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A Moment Like This (USA)
Acapulco Bay (IRE)
Adelaide River (IRE)
Admiraloftheblue (IRE)
Aftermath (IRE)
Age Of Kings (IRE)
Alabama (IRE)
Alexandroupolis (IRE)
Alfred Munnings (IRE)
All Time Great (USA)
Amalfi Coast (IRE)
Amusement (IRE)
Anchorage (IRE)
Andromeda (IRE)
Arbutus (IRE)
Armed Forces (IRE)
At Dawn (IRE)
Auguste Rodin (IRE)
Battle Cry (IRE)
Battle Fleet (FR)
Beluga (IRE)
Bomberg (FR)
Boogie Woogie (IRE)
Boy Scout (GB)
Brighter (FR)
Brilliant (IRE)
Broadhurst (IRE)
Burmese Ruby (USA)
Butterfly Rose (IRE)
Buttons (IRE)
Cadamosto (IRE)
Carracci (USA)
Champagne (IRE)
Changingoftheguard (IRE)
Chantilly (IRE)
Charles Bianconi (IRE)
Cherry Blossom (IRE)
Cherub (IRE)
China Seas (IRE)
City Of Chicago (IRE)
Cologne (IRE)
Concert Hall (IRE)
Congo River (USA)
Contarelli Chapel (IRE)
Content (IRE)
Covent Garden (IRE)
Cyclamen (IRE)
Dalmatian Coast (IRE)
Dame Kiri (USA)
Deadly Nightshade (USA)
Decoration (IRE)
Democracy (IRE)
Deneuve (IRE)
Diego Velazquez (IRE)
Double Agent (IRE)
Dower House (IRE)
Downing Street (IRE)
Dramatic (USA)
Drummer Girl (IRE)
Due West (FR)
Duke Cador (IRE)
Emperor Of Rome (IRE)
Emphasis (IRE)
Engagement Ring (IRE)
Enthralling (IRE)
Erato (IRE)
Espania (IRE)
Espionage (IRE)
Euphoric (GB)
Everlasting (IRE)
Expanded (IRE)
Farnborough (IRE)
Fleetingly (USA)
Flight Of Fancy (IRE)
Foolish Love (IRE)
Forever And Always (IRE)
Frill (IRE)
Galanthus (GB)
Get (IRE)
Gigi Bliss (IRE)
Giovanni Bellini (IRE)
Giselle (IRE)
Gleaning (IRE)
Glimmer Of Hope (IRE)
Greenfinch (USA)
Greenland (IRE)
Guilty Pleasure (IRE)
Gulf Of Mexico (IRE)
Gulliver's Travels (IRE)
Gushing (USA)
Hampshire (IRE)
Hans Andersen (GB)
Heart To Heart (GB)
Helvezia (IRE)
Hiawatha (IRE)
High Chieftess (IRE)
Highbury (FR)
Hippodrome (IRE)
His Majesty (IRE)
Hms Endeavour (USA)
Home Affairs (AUS)
Honeycomb (IRE)
Hypnosis (IRE)
I Can Steel (FR)
Iseult Of Ireland (USA)
Jan Brueghel (IRE)
Joaquin Sorolla (IRE)
Kashmire Tonic (FR)
Kestrel (IRE)
King Leodegrance (IRE)
La Joconde (IRE)
Lake Illawarra (IRE)
Lambada (IRE)
Le Mans (IRE)
Leap Year (IRE)
Leinster House (USA)
Lily Hart (IRE)
Lily Pond (IRE)
Loch Ness (IRE)
Lorenzo Lotto (IRE)
Los Angeles (IRE)
Lost (IRE)
Lullaby (IRE)
Lustre (IRE)
Luxembourg (IRE)
Madonnadelrosario (IRE)
Magic Hour (IRE)
Master Of The Hunt (IRE)
Maximum Dividend (IRE)
Maybe Just Maybe (JPN)
Middlemarch (IRE)
Military (GB)
Milwaukee (USA)
Minister Of War (IRE)
Minnetonka (IRE)
Mint Candy (IRE)
Miss Yoda (GER)
Missile (GB)
Montenegro (IRE)
Mythic (IRE)
Navajo Warrior (JPN)
Never Ending Story (IRE)
Neverland (USA)
New York City (IRE)
North Africa (IRE)
Oh So Lovely (IRE)
Old Faithful (FR)
Olympic Flame (IRE)
Only (JPN)
Opaque (IRE)
Opulent (IRE)
Orinoco River (USA)
Ortelius (USA)
Osprey (IRE)
Over The Rainbow (IRE)
Paddington (GB)
Pink Orchid (IRE)
Portimao (IRE)
Porto Cervo (USA)
Prettiest (USA)
Promises To Keep (IRE)
Prosecco (GB)
Proud And Regal (IRE)
Psalm (IRE)
Rapidus (IRE)
Red Azalea (IRE)
Red Carpet (IRE)
Red Square (IRE)
Report (IRE)
Revelry (IRE)
Rubies Are Red (IRE)
Salt Lake City (IRE)
Samuel Pepys (IRE)
San Antonio (IRE)
Santa Barbara (IRE)
Scholar (IRE)
Second Guess (IRE)
Shark Bay (IRE)
Silvaplana (IRE)
Simply Glorious (USA)
Sloane Ranger (USA)
Smart Cookie (IRE)
So Beautiful (IRE)
St Kitts (IRE)
Starry Eyed (IRE)
Statuette (USA)
Stellenbosch (IRE)
Stone Age (IRE)
Subzero (IRE)
Sunburst (GB)
Sweden (IRE)
Sweetest (IRE)
Sword Of Wessex (IRE)
Tangut (GER)
Tao Te Ching (IRE)
Tea Party (IRE)
Temple Of Artemis (IRE)
Tender Kiss (IRE)
Tenebrism (USA)
Tenerife (IRE)
Tennessee Stud (IRE)
The Algarve (USA)
The Antarctic (IRE)
The Entertainer (IRE)
The Euphrates (GB)
The Lute Player (IRE)
The Prairie (IRE)
Tiger Paw (IRE)
Time To Boogie (USA)
Tour Of Duty (IRE)
Tower Of London (IRE)
Trustworthy (IRE)
Twinkle (IRE)
Unless (USA)
Unquestionable (FR)
Velocidad (GB)
Victoria Road (IRE)
Warm Heart (IRE)
Water Nymph (IRE)
Wedding Bouquet (IRE)
West Coast (IRE)
Win Me Over (IRE)
Wingspan (IRE)
Yet (USA)